Introducing Charlie…

I heard about a competition that Pet Health Info were running and well, I just had to join in! Writing a post about my pet and why I love them? Easy!

All images taken from my instagram/facebook so I apologise for the bad quality in some…

So, Charlie is my very fat cat. On my first day of Year 7 I came home to see a tiny little kitten, hiding behind anything he could. We couldn’t decide on a name for a few days, flicking between Harry and Charlie mainly… Thankfully, we settled on Charlie. Not long after, Charlie went for his ‘op’ and we discovered that he was actually a she. Can you imagine a girl kitty called Harry?! At least Charlie was fairly unisex!

In September this year we will have had her for 10 years – that’s making me feel old! Her birthday is the 4th July, and I think I only really remember that because of the American Independence Day…

Anyway, here are some of the things that make Charlie, Charlie.

She likes to sit/sleep in awkward places, especially when I am on my laptop and not giving her attention. Many times she has just plonked herself down in between me and my laptop when it is on my knee.

She also likes to sit on me and other people. Myself and my dad seem to be her favourites, but I think my dad wins because he’s the one that feeds her the most…

She will lie with me whilst I read. It’s really comforting, lying down reading and having a cute, snoring, kitty beside you!

Then there was that time when I tricked her with a treat so she would stand up she posed with me.

And of course, it’s tiring being a cat…


This has been a cat appreciation post.

Pet Health Info is a website which offers pet health advice and information, at no added cost! There’s plenty of information whether you have a dog, cat, rabbit, fish, birds… the list goes on!

This competition is in conjunction with BloggerOpps and Pet Health Info.

My Week #25 (& a quick Organised Mum inserts week review)

So this week was the first week of using these inserts. Overall, I really liked them! I liked the fact that I could put all my exercise in one column – it gives a clearer view. Obviously, this format works and that’s why it’s good for mums… You can have a column for a child! It was a bit strange going from cotton cream paper to the bright white, but I think that makes my colour pens really pop! I think the major downside for me, is that I don’t feel like I can stick big sticky notes on there as they will cover a lot. We’ll see though!

imageI also bought a Bonsai tree this week! I love how these look, and I can’t wait to move into my new room so I can decorate and have my tree on my desk! I actually don’t know what type of tree this is, so maybe I should find that out… And if you have any ideas, I’d be glad to hear them!

I’m already deciding on things that I want in my room, and items that I want to buy… I won’t be getting that room for at least another 3 weeks! I just can’t wait to get out of this box room! I’ve already decided that my room will have neutral colours. I want it to feel more nature-related.

And here are two photos of Charlie. Just because she’s cute!

My Week #22

And here’s a random video of Charlie and George – the cat and the tortoise :3

This is an Instagram post.

– The (ever so tiring) life of Charlie.

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1; Sat with my boyfriend, getting free strokes. 2; Keeping me company in the morning. 3; Watching TV with my dad.
4; Sleeping – face pressed up against the table and snoring. 5; Grabbing my feet. 6; Stealing my hand to sleep on.

Other random updates:

– So I had my Wisdom tooth out 8 days ago. Cue the swollen cheek and sore mouth. I’m still recovering! I don’t know whether you can really tell from these photos…

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– And today the sky decided to have a little tantrum. We had a very short thunderstorm – it was awesome! I love the sound of thunder.

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1; First sight of the dark cloud – no rain. 2; 5 minutes later – pouring down. 3; 40 minutes later.

  • I am 21 years old, currently studying Wildlife and Media at University and blogging about life, stationery, Filofax, fitness and more.

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