My Week #12

Ugh, I have been horribly ill this week.

Monday was fine. Worked at the other B&M store in town as they needed help. Tuesday was okay – slight sore throat. Wednesday I only managed to drag myself out of bed at 11:30 because I felt horrendous. I hate lying in so late. My head was pounding and my throat was killing me. The cough started to appear… Thursday the cough was in full swing but I had to go into uni for a meeting. Same on Friday, though I had a lecture instead. Worked all weekend and this cough is still here. So not a nice week to be honest. That’s why my week looks quite empty!

23 days until I go to Finland though! I bought a new backpack that I’ll be using as my carry-on, and I’m going to test that out tomorrow. Not filling it as much as I will be for Finland, but I can see how it holds up with a day of walking! Going to Talkin Tarn to make the most out of the 100-400mm lens that I managed to book out.

My Week #11

I went home this week and had a nice few relaxing days with my family! Also got a hair cut, and went shopping! I don’t really have anything else to say… Anyone been up to anything interesting?

My Week #10

Media assignment handed in! Phew, I’m just so glad it’s out of the way. Really scared about getting my result though… Seems like a bit of an empty week, but Monday and Thursday were full days editing and Tuesday I was at Newton Rigg for Animal Behaviour. Then I also had a volunteering session on Wednesday and a lecture and morning of writing on Friday before my deadline. The weekend was filled with work… Needless to say, I am very excited to go home tomorrow and get some days of relaxing with family!

My Week #7

Well, here you can see my new washi tape! I’ve decided that the tape will be used for things that are happening at specific times – work, uni lectures, appointments etc. Anything else will be written in using the colour code with my 4 colour pen. I like it because I can see the main things at a glance.

Already planning out next week and it’s looking to be a busy one!

My Week #6

Well, the beginning of my week was pretty busy! Had lots to do, and I got all of it done I think! Work was especially tiring this weekend with stock take… I got some new washi tapes in the post that I had ordered a few weeks ago, so my colour coding may change a little – think I’ll trial it next week!

My Week #4

What happened this week? Well, I have to say… not much! I visited Talkin Tarn on the Monday which was nice, but nothing too exciting. I only got a glimpse of a squirrel and saw the usual birds!

OH – I did have an eye test, and discovered that my eyes have in fact gotten worse over the past two years. I pick up my new glasses next Thursday! Gone for a pair similar to the ones that I have, and a pair which are slightly different!

I did actually start up a travel journal for my upcoming expedition. I’m using the idea of ‘smash’ and using it to make my own. There will be a post up next week about that! I filmed a short timelapse of me starting it up.

A quiet week otherwise…

My week #3

I feel like I’ve had quite a busy week… I really enjoyed my Animal Behaviour lecture, and am looking forward to the next!

I actually managed to blog a lot! I had told myself that I would do blog Fridays and Sundays for definite (Photography and Weekly posts) and then possibly Wednesdays if I had a review, and Monday for random subjects.

I didn’t actually get 3 yoga sessions done, which sucks, but I did go swimming. The swimming actually made my arms ache so much I felt like I couldn’t lift them on Thursday/Friday!

I ending up spending a lot this week – I’m expecting two packages! One is a dress for my birthday though, if I do go out. (I’ll be 21, how did that happen?!) I also ordered a personal domino as it was less than £7, and I will be picking it up from Tesco tomorrow… I needed a binder to hold inserts, and this was cheaper than buying the actual filofax insert binder!

My Week #2

This year I told myself that I would get my weekly posts up every Sunday. I work on Sundays, but I take the photo in the morning and then upload at night. Well, I got in last night and our internet was down, and had been all day. Managed to get someone out this morning and now I have internet again! So this post is a day late, but at least it had a proper excuse!

Anyway, onto the week… I managed to get my assignment in on the Thursday, so Friday was spent relaxing! I was so happy to just get rid of it. Nothing too exciting happened last week, really. This week is the start of term 2 and a new module in the form of Animal Behaviour! I’ve really been looking forward to this one.

My Week #1

Well I was debating about re-starting this, and I’ve decided to keep going. I am however starting from 1 again though, so it will have 2014 in the tags! (Will have to tag all last year’s weeks with 2013…)

Anyway, first week in new inserts, although not on the nice paper yet. (That’s next week!) Really liking this layout, and I will hopefully stick with it for the year! Had a very quiet New Year’s Eve – went to the carvery for a meal, and then just watched a couple of films before watching the countdown!

I’m already back in Carlisle as I had work this weekend. Assignment due on the 10th, and then back to university on the 14th! Looking forward to starting again – can’t wait to start Animal Behaviour!

My Week #50

Well this week has been quite busy… as usual 😉 I’ve finished my Literature Review (deadline next Friday!) and I’m starting my storyboard assignment (deadline early January!) Also went on a residential trip with uni. Managed to get a nice night sky timelapse! It was quite cloudy, but looks pretty cool anyway… Sadly not many stars!

Here’s a crappy video of me scrolling through the photos on my camera xD

And this week…

Also, I have decided that I’m not going to bother making my own inserts for 2014. I’m on a mission to find a pretty diary that I can take apart to use in my filofax… and I just bought myself a personal Holborn for Christmas! I figured I deserved it after working so much :3

  • I am 21 years old, currently studying Wildlife and Media at University and blogging about life, stationery, Filofax, fitness and more.

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