Book Review: Confessions of a Hostie* and More Confessions of a Hostie* – Danielle Hugh

I was given the chance to review these books, and you guys know it’s something I love to do! I read a lot! Now I have read some very similar books, but they’re usually doctors/paramedics/midwives. Confessions of a Hostie (and more!) tells us about the life of an airplane hostess. I was definitely intrigued when I saw the titles!

Now you may think that an air hostess has an amazing job… These books will surely change your mind! I mean, it still sounds great for the most part, but the tales of jetlag and the anecdotes will have you feeling very sorry for the people doing this job! Some stories made me feel sick, some were hilarious and some just downright weird…

It is written quite informally, and I think it just feels like a conversation. The writing is chatty, and Danielle feels like a friend! The writing pulls you in and you feel like you are experiencing these scenarios. It was an easy read for me – something that I could settle down with and enjoy. The chapters are quite short, and it’s easy to pick back up at where you left it.

The books do sort of follow on from each other, in that the stories in the second book come chronologically after the ones in the first. You could read the second without reading the first (though why would you?!). I think I preferred the first book over the second, but maybe that’s because it was more of the ‘introduction’ to the life of a hostie!

I think these two books make you really think about flying… I can’t say I’ve ever noticed a hostie having to deal with this sort of stuff – I’m certainly not a bad passenger! 😉 But yeah, I think after reading these you will definitely be kinder to hosties on a flight!

You can find the books here, and they should be at other big bookstores!

Confessions of a Hostie
Amazon UK
Amazon US

More Confessions of a Hostie
Amazon UK
Amazon US

You can also find Danielle here:
Twitter: @hostiedanielle
Facebook: Confessions of a Hostie

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  • I am 21 years old, currently studying Wildlife and Media at University and blogging about life, stationery, Filofax, fitness and more.

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