Summer Book Swap

Everyone loves a new book, right? That book doesn’t even have to be brand new. Going into charity shops just to browse the bookshelves, and find cheap books, is my favourite part of the shopping trip! If my boyfriend and I are in town, we will most definitely end up in Waterstones for a good half hour, just browsing the shelves and looking around. What can I say, I like books!

There’s nothing better than being able to sit down and immerse yourself completely into another world. A world in which is sort of unique to you as everyone will imagine characters or worlds a little differently. You just cannot beat a good book and a quiet place!

Now, the actual point of this post… I’m taking part in a Summer Book Swap hosted by Hayley and Beth. Each person taking part will be given a person to send a book to. Simple, right?

Book swaps, in my opinion, are just really great to take part in. I’ve only actually done one before (and loved it!), but it’s interesting to see the results. You may receive a book that you’ve never heard of, or one that you just hadn’t taken a second look at. This book swap isn’t asking you to go out and buy a brand new book. You could give one of your own, or check out charity shops. The main idea is just to make someone else happy with a good book in the post!

The closing date for this book swap is June 28th, so click on the links to either Hayley’s or Beth’s blogs and join! You really won’t regret it…

  • I am 21 years old, currently studying Wildlife and Media at University and blogging about life, stationery, Filofax, fitness and more.

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